Rhythm & Hues - Rhythm Allover Records by Connie Haley (Digital), Music, Elkabee's FabricParadise.com, LLC


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Rhythm & Hues - Rhythm Allover Records by Connie Haley (Digital)

retro records albums musician rock and roll jazz bands orchestra classical pop pink yellow blue green yellow red

This vibrant print features rows of vinyl records in eye-catching colors on a peach colored background.

100% cotton quilting weight fabric
3 Wishes 18001-MLT
$ 12.25/yard
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$10.95 / yard
All fabrics are 100% cotton and 42" - 43" wide
unless otherwise noted
Minimum cut is a half a yard
When ordering please use decimal equivalent for fractions.
Fraction: 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8
Decimal: .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 .875
Example: 1-3/8 yard would be entered as 1.375